GAIQ Exam- My Experience

I'll just come out and say it: I do this to myself. I hate anticipating taking a big test. Studying is fine...but the length it takes to learn all of the information makes me anxious because I have NO PATIENCE, people! But despite this, I still sign up to take these tests and certifications anyway because I WANT THEM! Ugh. The perfectionist in me needs to be put under a little more control...

Anyways, I have signed up to take the Principles of Public Relations certificate exam, and I have been (attempting) at studying during every moment of free time I have. At work, we need to be knowledgable of Google Analytics because of the data and information it collects about our social media platforms and users. So... despite already being in the midst of studying for one huge exam, my coworker and I decide to dedicate ourselves to another. Behold, the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) exam.

The GAIQ exam is composed of 70 questions- all multiple choice with some true/false mixed in. The exam used to be $50.00, but now it is free. Thank you, Google Gods! Here is some more information about the exam, screenshotted from Google:

Creating a Google Partners profile is very easy and is free. When you get to the main screen, click on the "Join Google Partners" tab and then click on the green "Join Now" button. From there, you will accept terms and conditions and have access to your main page. When you click on "certifications" you can click on "analytics" and then it shows an option to take the GAIQ test on the right hand side. I highly recommend running through the Google Analytics Academy Google Analytics Academy offers free courses that highlight information that will be on the exam in the form of videos, along with practice assessments and quizzes. 

Whenever I am gearing up to take a test or certification, I often go online to see if anyone else has taken the same exam that I will be taking and shares their experience. Almost like an exam review- with thoughts, opinions, and how the user thought the test questions were. Sadly, there is nothing available for my Principles of Public Relations certificate exam, so I plan on creating a similar post after I take the exam for all PRSSA members who want an idea of what the test is like and my experience!

As for the GAIQ exam itself, I won't sugarcoat it: These questions were HARD. The good thing is, there is so much out there online to help you with this test. There are multiple websites with an abundance of practice quizzes and materials. If you spend a couple times a week highlighting different sections, watching videos, and going through different practice quizzes, you should be fine. You know yourself best and how you study and take tests, so take the test when the time is right for you. A lot of the test questions had multiple answers that you could pick- like an "A, B, and C are correct" kind of thing. A lot of the questions had to do with tracking as well. Make sure you really pay attention to API and tracking for emails.

I know that some of you are probably reading this thinking "why should I take this exam?" here are some reasons why I took the exam:

-This exam is beneficial for someone in the social media marketing, public relations, or business field.
-Gives a leg up on Google Analytics knowledge which will be used in your workplace
-Looks great on resume!
-Makes life easier for YOU when figuring out Google Analytics and gathering data
-Really makes you stand out when job searching
-You get this:

When you finish the exam, you get a lovely certificate to print and your certification will be valid for 18 months. If you want to keep your certification, you (unfortunately or not) will have to retest but at least 18 months is a good amount of time to keep your certification.

You also get this awesome little title in your Google Partners profile:

If you have any other questions about the GAIQ exam, don't hesitate to reach out or post a comment below!

Good luck!


Article Published on The Legal Equestrian

 I have recently been asked to be a guest writer for The Legal Equestrian blog, and I am so excited! I am pumped to be able to write about horses and riding, my absolute two favorite things combined! I found out about The Legal Equestrian by combing through the internet, and I loved the large amount of content on the blog. It truly has something for every rider and horse lover and I am so excited to contribute and document my journey on riding and showing in this new chapter of my life. I have published an article on the blog before being chosen as a guest writer, and the link to that is below, if you would like to take a look! I highly encourage you all to check out The Legal Equestrian if you are a horse lover. If you would like to contribute, they have a submissions page! <3 Good luck!

Here is the link to my article:

Check out the blog periodically to find my articles, and I will post the links here as well!

Have a great day, everyone! :)

I have a question... Why do we all suck at dating advice?

"I think it's time to move on."

This was a sentence frequently exchanged between my best friend and I whenever we vented (read: cried, griped, screamed) about the guys who broke our hearts. We were both still clearly hurting YEARS after the initial heartbreaks, but whenever we would go to each other upset about the Mr. Heartbreaker in question, we would BOTH become annoyed at each other for still being upset, and utter the magic sentence shared above. It did absolutely nothing to make us both feel better. However, it did succeed in, excuse my language- making us both feel like shit.

What about this sentence?

"I don't really think it is healthy that this keeps happening..."

UGH. How many times have we gone to a friend, feeling upset and lost after a fight with a significant other, and gotten THIS for a response?! What is saying something along the lines of "oh, you got in a fight with your boyfriend? That's not healthy!" going to do to make any friend feel better about their fight? Answer... nothing. And to the friends that I have said this to... I LOVE YOU AND I'M SORRY.

Let's be real for a second. As much as those glossy & shiny social media photos may lead you to believe otherwise- couples fight. They bicker, they argue, they pout, but then they get over it and life moves on. As difficult as it can be sometimes, fighting is such a natural part of a relationship. And at the end of the day, we know nothing about our friend's relationship compared to what they know. Who are WE, complete outsiders essentially, to tell them what is healthy and what is not (except for abuse/cheating)? But for your average couple that has an otherwise normal young relationship, getting into a few fights is completely okay. If your friend is coming to you to vent about a fight, ask them if they are alright. All of us (myself included) are so quick to rush to the "what happened?!" and get all of the juicy details. I think that asking our friend if they are okay is the most important first question. Let your friend vent, and then ask how he/she feels. How are you feeling right now? or what are your thoughts right now? Another great question to ask is the actual can I give you advice? It is so common (myself included x1000) to just go ahead and give our best friends unsolicited advice. We think that it is our place to since we are so close, but in some instances (read: relationship problems) where people are especially sensitive, it is important to ask first before we give our opinion.

How about this sentence:

"Break up with him/her."

Oh, man... to those of us in relationships, if we had every dollar for a time we got this sentence after going to someone for advice after a fight, we would be rich. 

Why is it a default to tell our friends to immediately break up with a significant other at the sight of a problem or disagreement? I guess we could say it is because we are protective. I think about it in terms of one of my close friends. We have gone through so much relationship BS in the past that when a current boyfriend begins to act up, I get all "grrrrr" protective mama bear. We love our friends and want the best for them, but sometimes, we have to put that protectiveness aside and let them get through these challenges with their significant other, because how else will they grow as a couple and get through it? Especially if they actually, you know, LOVE and care about he person they are with. Hearing "break up with him/her" will honestly do NOTHING for them except make them feel bad.

Okay, getting real again: None of us are "perfect" friends. Each one of us brings a different perspective to the table and we are all there for each other in different ways. Some friends may just be better to talk to about relationships with than others. That doesn't mean one party is the "better" friend and the other one is the "worse" friend.

I think of my close friend Amanda. Whenever I get in a fight or disagreement with my significant other, she doesn't give me advice or direction. Instead, she is genuinely sad for the both of us and offers an ear to listen in on how I am feeling about the argument or how I want to get through it. When things are good between my significant other and I, she is genuinely happy that we are happy.

I think we all need to strive to be more like Amanda in that way. Instead of being quick to say something along the lines of "move on", "that isn't healthy/right/shouldn't be happening", or "break up with him/her", let's be there for our friends and feel for them when they are sad or going through something with their boyfriend or girlfriend. And no matter what decision they decide to make in regards to their relationship, whether it be a breakup then makeup, an anniversary, a trip, or a certain feeling after a big fight, let's be there in 100% support every step of the way.


OMG Alert- New Maybelline Baby Lips Glow Balm 2016

Everyone who knows me knows that I love the ever popular Baby Lips lip balm from Maybelline. I didn't even catch this on their Instagram page until just now, and O-M-G, am I excited! I recently just added to my collection by buying the remaining shades in the Baby Lips Balm Balls collection, and then bought Spice It Up and Sprinkled Pink from the 2015 holiday collection. It is safe to say that I own- or have owned at one point- every Baby Lips shade there is from the United States. So, with that being said, I have to get my hands on this new product.

I immediately went to add Maybelline on my Snapchat to get more of a scoop, but apparently missed their snaps detailing the product. Darn it... The description in the Instagram caption reads:

"NEW #babylips alert! Get the entire scoop on our most innovative lip balm, the super collectable new baby lips glow balm on our snapchat. dd #babylips alert! Get the entire scoop on our most innovative lip balm, the super collectable new baby lips glow balm on our snapchat."

Hmmm, I cannot wait to get my hands on this new balm. I went to go order it online through the Ulta website but with shipping, my order totaled to over ten dollars. I found it on and tried buying it since I have some leftover money from a graduation gift card on there, but the lip balm was sadly an add on item and I would have had to make a $25.00 purchase before adding it on. Sorry... but #aintnobodygottimeforthat. Sigh... If anyone gets this balm before I do, please let me know in the comments below how you like it! I am so excited there is a new shade and am ready to start collecting again and really hope it hits stores soon. 

An interesting note, Maybelline already has Glow Balm here in New Zeland. I wonder if it is the same stuff just in different packaging. 

Amazon reviews on the product can be found here.

Have a great evening, beauties, and happy hunting!


Internship Outfit Ideas and Tips

Good morning, everyone! Here I am finding the inspiration to type up this blog -on my phone- at 6:50 a.m. on my morning train. Whew! As those of you who are my Facebook (and Instagram, and Snapchat, and Twitter, and...) friends know, I have a social media internship with a tech/web development agency in their Chicago office. I starred virtual work in late April and started in office on May 9th. The commute can get a bit long and the 5:30 wake up time isn't my exact cup of tea, but I am learning a lot so far, especially about the right kinda of clothes for traveling to the city and sitting in the office all day.

You all know that I have mentioned dressing up makes me feel more confident and prepared, and that is no exception when it is time for my internship. Let me walk you through a typical outfit you will usually find me wearing ambling my way around the city:

1. HIGH WAISTED WORK PANTS. I write this in all caps because these are a must. My office has a casual dress code and employees usually just wear whatever they are comfortable with. And yes, that includes jeans. I have worn jeans in the office a few days for work, just because they went along with the rest of the outfit I was wearing that day and were dark in color. But even if your office has a relaxed dress code, I would not recommended working in jeans, just because *ugh, the pinch* and because I feel more professional wearing dressier pants. I have a pair of black pants from Banana Republic, and a blue, polka-dot, and striped (shown in photos) pair from Gap. These pants are great because not only do they look more professional and have more fun patterns you can work with, but because hello high waist! So comfortable for whatever form of public transportation you take as well as sitting in the office all day.

2. Top of choice + sweater or cardigan: I base what top I am wearing on any given day on the pants I decide to wear, but regardless of if it is cold or hot out, I always bring a cardigan or a sweater with me to work (shown in photos). I don't know about you, but my office is C-O-L-D. Having something extra doesn't hurt, and if you walk in one day and the office is surprisingly warm, you can always take it off.

3. Comfortable, sturdy footwear: I usually opt for the shoes I am wearing in the photos, black with a very low heel. These shoes look and feel professional, and despite the heel, I am able to walk comfortably in them. The shoe is the icing on top of the outfit cake- it can make or break. Make sure it is comfortable and doesn't pop off of your feet or cause blisters when you walk (my flats are guilty of doing this in the middle of busy train station walks- not fun).

4. A watch and statement necklace: Simple accessories can add a fun pop of color. For example, my statement necklace brings a bit more to the outfit I am wearing. I also wear a watch because it helps me look and feel a bit more professional. It's nice to have something fun to look down to on your wrist.

I usually have the same exact makeup routine each day. On my lips is something usually Baby Lips related, whether the regular lip balm, gloss, or a combination of both. Hair changes each day as well. Some days I don't have enough to style my hair and I'm walking out the door with it flat (the worst feeling), but some days I curl it the night before so I have some texture in the morning. The glasses are usually to cover up those 5 a.m. under eye bags ;) Here's one other tip- for some reason, my skin feels and looks extremely oily at work, so I purchased a few packets of Walgreens oil blotting sheets. They are perfect to use discreetly in the office bathroom if you feel some major shine going on.

P.S. How is everyone doing on the no skin picking challenge? I've had my fair share of flare ups, but
since I haven't been picking, my entire skin tone looks more even. It feels good to break a habit! My current goal is to get rid of some of the acne scars I currently have. Does anyone have some tips for that or products that have worked for them? I would love to know!

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and have enjoyed these tips- the goal is to wear something that will make you look and feel like an utter badass at work. Because you got this!! We will talk soon!

XOX, Grace

Happy Birthday Anthony: 22 Things I Love About You!

                         Our relationship in a nutshell: Me being annoying and you tolerating it :D 

Happy Birthday, Anthony! In honor of your 22nd birthday, I made a list of 22 things I love about you:

1. That night you stayed with me all night when I had that bad migraine 

2. Helping me fix my printer 

3. Your smile and laugh when you are being goofy


5. Fert

6. You always going out of your way to take care of me

7. Your kisses

8. Your too-tall-for-me hugs

9. Your serious side

10. Your love of Dunkin

11. The time you lied to the car wash man (sorry for broadcasting it to the internet) 

12. Mustache you know what 

13. Your freckles

14. Playing with your hair

15. Your cuddles

16. Lazy days at the lake

17. Your driving skills

18. Your Snapchats

19. That you tolerate me/everything that we have gone through 

20. That you go see silly movies with me that you might not want to see

21. The you like The Bachelor now

22. The fact that you waited three months for me :)

                                         Our first ever picture together- December of 2014!!

I LOVE YOU ANTHONY! 22 will be an amazing year for you! Full of new beginnings, work, blessings, and fun times. Soak it up and enjoy every single minute of it. I am so happy to be by your side. Love you long time!!! Also, TBT to your birthday last year when I accidentally flushed your only pair of contacts down the sink and you had to wear glasses during your license picture.....

Love Grace

2016 Christie Clinic Illinois Half-Marathon Race Recap

I survived!!!!!

Well, looking back, I'm not sure why I didn't think I would survive this race. It was partly because I had done a 10 mile training run at the beginning of April and afterwards I stuck to mostly 1 mile runs for the next few weeks. I felt bored and burned out, and therefore in my mind, I "wasn't ready". I love running so much and love having a goal to work towards, but sometimes, knowing that I "HAVE" to go out and do a run can be a bit of a drag sometimes, especially if it is something that is done so often during the week. I did an 8k (around 5 miles) trail race back in October with Anthony, who ended up doing the 5k, but that has been about it since the 2014 Chicago Marathon. I think that I had psyched myself out so much before this race because I haven't ran a distance race since 2014.

Anthony and I at Timber Pointe for the Run The Woods 5k and 8k- Anthony got 2nd in his age division and I took 1st.

Because of my worrying/anxiety/spazzing out about the whole thing, I sent a text to Anthony right before leaving for packet pickup saying "I don't think I can do this". I was seriously considering just calling it a day and sleeping in the next morning. But our friend Devin was running as well, and calmed me down right before we left. Having her there truly made me feel better, and I went to the expo/packet pickup sucking it up and knowing that I had to stick with it.

Expo/Packet Pickup: Located in the ARC at the U of I campus. Went very smoothly, and there were so many great vendors at the expo as well as wonderful volunteers. After walking around the expo, Anthony and I drove around the campus to see all of the fraternity/sorority houses. 

Race day: Anthony and I woke up bright and early at 4:50 to get ready to leave. We wanted to take as much time as we needed since we had the drive to make. I had my pre-race steel cut oatmeal breakfast and Anthony got six donuts from Dunkin'... LOL. We then filled up my car and were on our way!

Besides for slight traffic, parking went smoothly and we headed out to the starting line. The whole day was rainy and gross, and it was actually one of the things I was really nervous for with this race. I had never ran a distance race in the rain before, so I was nervous it would mess with me. Luckily, it didn't. Besides just getting totally soaked like Splash Mountain, the rain didn't bother me as much as time went on, I was so focused on finishing I didn't actually notice it. I ran with Devin and her mom for the first four or so miles, then we naturally separated with different paces. Just before mile two, however, I dropped my phone and it fell into a puddle with hundreds of runners stampeding around it. I had to run back into the sea of runners, grab my phone, made sure it still worked, and then ran back to Devin and her mom. WHEW.

Besides that, the rest of the run went very smooth. I usually stop a lot to stretch/catch my breath during training runs, and this time I didn't stop at all. By mile six, I had found my groove and was in the mindset to finish this thing. The individual miles seemed to stretch on and go by fast at the same time. We ran through charming Urbana neighborhoods, streets lined with shops, and the U of I campus. I was so surprised I didn't stop, and my legs felt like heavy bricks by mile 11. My pace slowed, but I knew I would be able to finish. I saw Anthony standing with Devin's boyfriend at mile 10, I was able to give him a quick kiss and look at the sign he made for me: "Grace runs and I eat donuts". 

The race finished in the U of I football stadium, which was super awesome. I pulled out my phone to film myself running across the finish line for Snapchat, which was awesome because now I can go back and savor the memory as much as I want to. After finishing the run, it hit me how COLD and RAINY and GROSS it was, and I needed to get warmed up! I didn't prepare as well as I thought, and I didn't bring any dry clothes for after the race. Luckily, Devin had some dry clothes for me to wear, so shout out to Devin because she seriously saved my life.

After changing/stretching/shivering, we went to get food at The Original Pancake House in Urbana. It was a super busy day, but the food was excellent. Anthony got a meat lovers omelet, Devin got a veggie omelet, Devin's boyfriend Ethan got a stack of chocolate chip pancakes, and I got Eggs Benedict. Everything was so yummy with great portion sizes (the omelets were huge). We all left full and happy, but still a little cold. 

Devin and I after breakfast!

Overall, I have learned to never doubt myself, because I exceeded my expectations on race day. I am so proud of myself that I crossed the finish line! Now, it is time for foam rolling and lots of stretching! Special thank you to Devin for giving me dry clothes and running with me, and Anthony for waking up with me so early, going to packet pickup with me, and supporting me through this whole thing. I am so incredibly grateful! Overall, wonderful spectators and volunteers, such kind people and a wonderfully executed race. Congratulations to everyone that finished! 

P.S., I have had many friends tell me that running a distance race is something they have always wanted to do, but don't know where to get started. Let me tell you that anyone can do these runs, it all comes down to training properly and having the right mindset! Maybe I will write a future blog post about running advice, how I started, and how to train properly for distance races!

Have a great Monday, everyone!


30 Days Of No Skin Picking

Hey all! I did a post about how I quit biting my nails yesterday, and this time, I wanted to write about something that is SO IMPORTANT but something that I have had my ups and downs with:

My skin.

Competitive horseback riding wearing helmets, marathon running, and the general life of a college student are all factors that heavily contribute to my skin. Having anxiety also doesn't help. The worst thing about my anxiety is the fact that picking anything (nails, skin, etc) calms me the eff down. Frequent skin picking(pimples, nails, scalp, scabs) is also a sign of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as well. We live a life where sometimes, some of the worst things for us make us feel the best. It is so not easy to break a habit, especially one that brings out comfort in bad situations. 

Back when I was job searching, I picked my skin all the time. It didn't help that I have a huge bathroom mirror at home (I always pick more when I visit home versus at school). All it literally took was one look in the mirror and I would zoom in on my skin, picking anything and everything. I would leave that mirror with red everywhere, and my face would look even worse than before! I would regret it instantly. You know how I mentioned in my nails post that I had a resolution to not pick or bite my nails in 2016? Well picking my skin/pimples was included, too. Sadly, I didn't make it that for on the skin picking resolution. I remember I had a HUGE zit on New Year's Day, like bad. I decided that I would pick my skin if it got bad, but I would use a tissue instead of just my fingers. I figured that it would be less extra oil going into my skin and therefore, it wouldn't be as bad. NOPE. Nope nope nope nope nope. Don't do it. Please don't. Picking at a pimple or zit in any way, shape, or form won't do anything good. Let's flash forward from January to April:

I'm sitting here in my tiny sorority house bedroom, staring at the new random pimple that just seemed to pop up on my chin. My chin is my worst area. Every other part of my skin is usually clear (except for the occasional pimple or two on my forehead) but there has always been something-whether a pimple or a scar-on my chin. I have been taking really good care of my skin lately, I haven't picked in a few weeks and I am trying to keep my momentum up. I haven't been touching my skin as much (touching your skin can spread more oils and bacteria). I have been using a minimal amount of products on my skin, only the ones below:

I have been starting to use Micellar Cleansing Water over traditional makeup wipes. This stuff is a lot gentler on skin, and gets makeup off, but sadly not as good as the wipes. I use wipes for my eyes only (I try to minimize rubbing) and use this for my skin!

I love this soap! It is Cuticura Medicated Antibacterial Soap for acne-prone skin. Want to know one of the most interesting things about this soap? One of my professors gave it to me. Yes, that is probably a first! This was back about a month ago where I had to miss class because I used too much Dermatologist prescribed Benzoyl Peroxide gel, and I looked like one of those goldfish with the big swelling eyes. She recommended this soap because she buys it in bulk and has always used it. One day in class, I show up and the soap was placed down right in front of me! BUT SERIOUSLY GUYS...I think this soap is the only stuff I will ever use now. I used to buy all of those scrubs and face washes at Walgreens and Target, but now I will only stick to this stuff. It has cleared up my skin so much! Shout out to you, Dr. J! 

I bought these pads because they were cheap, but they actually work really well and smell very good! I use them on my chest after a run, and a few nights a week I wash my face with the Cuticura soap and then use one of these after. My skin is so much clearer the next day!

Besides these products, I love Olay Complete Moisturizer with SPF 15, and MaskerAide face masks. They are a little on the expensive side- $7.00 per mask, but I love the cute packaging and how well they work! Check out the MaskerAide blog here at My favorite one is the All Nighter mask, it smells so minty fresh and is perfect after a long week of studying. 

However, despite using these wonderful products, my chin is STILL breaking out. Despite everything, even being on medicine for my skin, some things may just take a while to change. My skin has had its worse days, and it is currently the clearest it has ever been. So here is what I am going to do:

A 30 Days of NO PICKING Challenge!! Are you with me?!

For this challenge, I will resist all urge to touch and pick my face. 

I will

-Drink more water

-Follow my skin care routine with the products listed above


-Use a face mask at least once every other week

-Drink a cup of tea every night

-Be in bed by 11:00 every night and asleep by 11:30

I know that all of these factors will help me get better skin. So are you in with me?! Let me know in the comments section below or on any of my social media platforms. Let's help each other out! Remember, slipping up every once in a while is OK. It happens, we are human, and like I said, sometimes these habits can take a long time to break. Just keep your chin up, and keep at your skin care. Remember that you could be doing everything right, but some factors (like stress and genetics) are still making those pesky pimples pop up. Just be patient!

Good luck and let's do this!!


How I Quit Biting My Nails

Hellooooo lovelies! Once again, long time no talk. Seriously, I feel like every single intro to every single one of my posts is me apologizing for my lack of writing...ughh. And once again, my excuse is the same as always, with everything being so CRAZY I haven't had concrete time to sit down and create a post. Or, it could be that my brain won't slow down enough for me to stop and tell myself that I have time to write something. The thing with anxiety (or my anxiety at least), my mind always tricks myself into thinking I have to get EVERY. SINGLE. THING. done before I can finally relax. This is a pretty bad anxious habit that I am slowly working to break. Luckily for me, school is pretty much wrapped up, so now I don't have to worry about tackling a huge list before I can do something for myself.

Speaking of habits, I wanted to write about my nails, because I don't know about you, but the anxiety and stress used to cause me to pick! And pick...and pick. It was seriously not good. I would bite my nails like crazy and leave them raw and stubby. My hands are small AF to begin with, and you should seriously see my nails. Ask any one of my friends or come up and compare your hand to mine, my fingers and nails are so small! I have always loved long nails, but I hate the feeling of acrylics. The only time I ever got acrylics, Cruiser bit the acrylic (along with half of my nail) off by accident when I was feeding him an apple (sorry for the visual!). So, with all being said, my nails are already small to begin with, and the biting made them worse. It was something that calmed me down when I was stress and took away any tension I was feeling. But man, would it make my nails look worse!

I normally don't do New Year's Resolutions, but right before this past New Year's, I made a goal to quit biting my nails and picking my skin in 2016. And so far, through all of 2016, I haven't bitten my nails off or picked them like I used to! Yay! I have a lot of friends and classmates with this habit as well, so I wanted to make a little list of things that worked for me when it came to biting and picking my nails. But keep in mind before reading this that if the ends of my nails/a particular nail are hanging off, super loose, or cracked, I usually play around with it until it peels or falls off. This is the only thing I do, and usually only when I end up doing my nails myself. I don't bite, pick at hangnails (or create hangnails by picking). So, with this information in mind, here is my list:

1. At the beginning of your goal to stop biting and picking, start with a no-chip manicure, press on nails, or acrylics.
-I got a no-chip manicure a few days before New Year's, and from January-March, all I got were no-chips. My Valentine's Day no-chip manicure lasted for over three weeks and my nails grew to the longest they have ever been! It is nice to have something on your nails like a no-chip or acrylic, it really helps you avoid biting and picking! Press on nails aren't bad either, the photo below show press on nails that I used last week, I loved them but they were a little too long. Having something like press ons are good because they cover up your nails.

2. Then, take a break from the heavy manicures.
-I don't know about you, but going to get manicures all of the time can get expensive! It may work well for different people, depending how long it takes for their nails to grow. But acrylics and no chips can be hard on your nails! My nails were constantly flaky after my two month no-chip binge, so I decided to take a bit of a break and do my nails myself for a while.

3. Realize that when you do your nails yourself, they aren't going to be perfect!
-I for one, cannot do my nails well by myself. And this is not a put down, I promise, I truly just can't! Something always happens- they either smudge or chip the next day or something equally as frustrating. It is good to take a break from the heavy manicures, but seeing all of that chipped polish and exposed nail could make you want to pick. It is one thing if the end of the nail is coming off already and you peel it, and a whole other thing if you begin to bite again at the sight of an exposed nail. If your polish chips (which it will eventually, sad face), just paint over it with a new coat ASAP.

4. Or, go without polish.
-Going without polish can help your nails (both toes and fingers) heal and recover the right way. They usually say that it is best to take toenail polish off after a while (it usually stays on forever) because it is better for your nails. Same goes for finger nails, too! It is sometimes nice to give them a break. To resist the urge to pick or bite, use a clear coat, a few coats of nail repair, or some cuticle oil.

My Valentine's Nails got so long and lasted forever! 

Hopefully these tips all work well for you! And remember, there is no better time than now to make a new habit! If you just decided that you want to stop the picking and biting for good, welcome to the club! The journey won't be perfect but it will lead to healthier nails! Best of luck, and let me know if you plan on quitting biting and picking after reading this :)

Have a great day! <3


The Job Search - What I've Learned So Far

Hey everyone! As I'm sitting here typing this, I cannot believe that I have two more months here at school until graduation. Two! It is crazy thinking about how fast this college journey has been for me. It really did fly by.

My friends, family, and contacts on social media know that I am currently going through the process of looking for a job or internship for after graduation. Not only do they know that, but they are also all aware of what a process it has been so far. For a good laugh, here are a few of the unfortunate things that have happened to me during my search, but make for an interesting story:

1. During my first phone interview, the interviewer asked what my spirit animal was and I had no idea how to respond, so I said a squirrel.

2. I have no idea if some of my post interview thank-you emails have sent.

3. I was so excited about getting an email that when I wrote back, I spelled the name of the company completely wrong.

4. I completed a phone interview with my boyfriend sick in the room, and after the interview was over I ended up having to take him to the emergency room.

5. I called the co-founder of a company for a scheduled phone interview and she forgot our time and had no idea who I was.

Pretty great so far, huh? The job search definitely has a lot of ups and downs, and I have decided to share my tips of what I have learned so far in the process, because they have all helped me and I know that they will help anyone from any major who is looking for a job right now.

1. Start Early

-Why start early? Because it gives you a leg up on the job search. Prime time off of school such as winter break and spring break allow great opportunities to update your resume and practice some cover letters. Starting early gives you more time, helps you from feeling nervous about falling behind, and also ensures more possibilities of companies emailing you back and scheduling interviews.

2. Forget What the Rest of the Internet Says - Apply to as many places as you can

-**To a certain degree. I learned this the hard way when I signed up for ZipRecruiter and threw my resume out there for everyone to see. I ended up getting numerous phone calls for weeks after that, from companies in different states and ones that weren't even in my field. One of them even turned out to be a scam. Apply to a decent amount of positions, but for companies you have researched with realistic start dates and job descriptions. Apply to as many of the ones you like, because after all, the more you apply to, the better of a chance you have at getting a response.

3. Perfect Your Cover Letter

-Ugh, cover letters. Love em', hate em'. Cover letters are essential because they give you an opportunity to sell your self and highlight what would make you the perfect hire for a particular position. But just because they are essential, doesn't mean they are easy! I have gone through so many cover letter drafts, and have had to go through plenty of revisions to reach a final product (which can always still be revised). My piece of advice is to have friends, family, mentors, or professors look over your cover letter for you. Their feedback can be much appreciated and will surely make a huge difference. Plus, they would all be honored to help you!

4. Really Practice for Phone Interviews

-In this day and age, more hiring managers than ever are starting the recruiting process off with a phone interview if they have liked your initial application. Some people find phone interviews easy, while others find them petrifying (me!). Regardless, it is something we will all have to face during the job search. The best way to make the process easier? Practice. A lot. Know the company, as well as practice answers to common questions. You don't want a totally rehearsed answer, but having a mental picture of what you are going to say makes a huge difference. Also? Breathe. Slow down your speaking, smile, and be confident!

For more help, here are some of the most common questions I have received over the phone interviews I have had:

-What are you currently looking for in a job/internship?

-What made you want to major in Public Relations (insert your major)?

-Walk me through your resume.

-I see here that in the fall you held an internship title for this organization. Could you tell me a little more about that?

-Did you experience any challenges in that position?

-Tell me a little bit about yourself.

-Where do you see yourself in five years?

-What are some of your biggest weaknesses?

Besides that, make sure you come up with a list of questions for the interviewer at the end.

5. Clean Up Your Social Media

-Last week, I went on my Instagram account and deleted all of the pictures that had alcohol in it. Yes, sounds like a bummer. One of the pictures was a cute one of Anthony and I but I wanted to have my entire profile cleaned out and looking sharp. I wanted my profile to appear professional and polished. Anything that appears to be a little questionable, I would recommend deleting. Same goes for Facebook (and watch out for Twitter too!).

6. Get a LinkedIn

-And update it frequently. About a year ago, I didn't even know what a LinkedIn was. Now, I use it as a vital tool to get my name out there and keep in touch with the various contacts I have made through my networking. LinkedIn can also help you find jobs. I would recommend trying it!

7. Patience Is Key

-The whole job process is a huge waiting game. I am still looking after first beginning my search in January. As frustrating as it can be, good things take time. Tell yourself that what is meant to be will find you, and what passes you by was not meant for you. The more you practice and the more confident you feel, there will be peace in waiting. I promise.

8. It Is Okay...

-To have a breakdown. To cry. To want to give up.

Just don't stay there.

9. Always Send Thank You Letters

-Vital skill and employers look out for this!

10. Network

-Stay in contact with previous interviewers and companies, it could pay off in the long run.

11. Create a Portfolio

-Print out and keep a bunch of writing and work samples that you are proud of, as well as a reference list and some copies of your resume. This will be useful during an in-person interview, when recruiters need specific examples. I also like to have a sheet on hand of my social media handles and follower count. This all adds polish and will make you stand out from the crowd.

Well guys, there are my tips of what I have learned in the job search so far! Please let me know in the comments if you have found any of my advice useful :) We can all learn through this together. Now go out there and do great things!



Valentine's Day Recap and February Life Update

I know that Valentine's Day has long passed, but I wanted to give you all a quick recap of what I wore and how I spent my day! Those closest to me know that Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. I have always loved it regardless of if I was single or in a relationship. I love the colors, the decorations, and the day of appreciation for loved ones. This Valentine's Day, I wanted to go with a special look for my dinner:

 I have had this adorable dress in my closet for so long and I wanted to break it out again! I wore it with nude heels :)

Close up of dress plus Valentine's Day nails! I love having a "party nail" done each time I go to the nail salon. It's my go-to!

In my opinion, this is the best lotion for Valentine's Day. Such a light, feminine scent. 

I love Bath and Body Works candles!

Anthony was sick with some sort of virus and I had to take him to the ER on the Friday of Valentine's Day weekend, and he still wasn't feeling to well when we went to dinner on Sunday. Regardless, we still made it special at the restaurant we went to for last year's Valentine's Day and Sweetest Day.

Now for a February life update. I feel like I have so much to update you all on that I'm not sure where to begin. For starters, I went to see a psychiatrist for the first time at the beginning of the month and was officially diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Hearing the news made me feel so much better, because things have been so hectic and crazy in the past few months and I needed an answer as to why I have been feeling the way I have. I have no problems or shame in admitting this on my blog because we all go through things in life and all have things that we go through to make us stronger people. I want to be more open about my anxiety because I would love to help people or give them any advice.

College is such a stressful time, and I feel so nervous in the fact that I don't know what my future holds. I still don't have a job secured yet and my mom and I have just put our Lake Barrington house up for sale. There are SO many changes that will be coming up, and I think that my lesson for these next few months is to find comfort in the discomfort and push through these uncertain times. It has been extremely hard for me lately, but I am going to accept this challenge because I want to get through this and not let anxiety and fear take my life over. I know that I am a great candidate and the right job will come to me at the right time.

I am currently working on positive self-talk and just loving myself over all. Feeling as anxious as I do, my self-esteem can be incredibly low at times and it is hard for me to accept compliments and say nice things about myself. I feel like I think of all of the things that are "wrong" with me instead of all of the things that are right. I know that this is a work in progress and it will take time and effort for me to start feeling more positive about myself. If anyone reading this is anxious or stressed, feel free to shoot me a message or send me a text. I am more than willing to listen and talk :)

I also want to start working on strengthening my relationships with my friends. I feel like my friend groups are shifting around so much this year and definitely will even more after graduation. Relationships may end but friends are always there, and I want to spend more time with them and let them know how much I appreciate them!

I hope you enjoyed my post! If someone is reading this and feels stressed, alone, or anxious, you are certainly not alone. We will all get through this together! :) Cheers to the month of love and friendship!


You Are Not a Failure

Those close to me know that within these past four months, I have suffered from some pretty bad anxiety. Ever since Cruiser passed away, I have felt so broken down. It feels difficult to write these words, as I don't really know what I am trying to say here. I guess that I am writing in the hopes that friends, family, and acquaintances who are feeling the same way as me might find a little peace or comfort knowing that they aren't the only ones who are feeling this way. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, but in the past few months, my writing has kind of stopped. So have a lot of things. 

I remember when I used to make an effort to look nice every single day. Makeup on, cute shoes, nice outfit. Dressing nice has always helped me feel better. Hello, I started this blog as a way to highlight the outfits I put together and how good they make me feel. But this semester, that all just stopped. I remember the very first day of school on January 11: I had picked out a grey cardigan, brown tank top, nice jeans, shoes, and a statement necklace to wear. I wore the outfit to my very first class and took it off shortly after, opting for more comfortable workout clothes for my cycling class. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, but after that first outfit on the very first day, I stopped trying. Every single day the past few weeks, my outfits have consisted of some kind of old sweatshirt found from my laundry bin, followed by a pair of yoga pants. No makeup, my hair either in a ratty ponytail or covering my face. I feel like that should have told me right then and there that something wasn't really quite right.

Despite taking two public relations capstone courses and three writing classes to finish off my minor, this semester hasn't had a terrible workload so far. However, I believe that an entirely different side of things is taking a toll on me. The job search has been rough and discouraging, my thoughts of having something lined up by now have been completely shattered. I have been riding a horse over winter break that I have grown very attached to and would love to lease, but I am still in school and do not have the funds to do so right now, so I have no idea if someone else will take him in the time being. I am feeling very disconnected from my sorority- a part of me just doesn't care because I just want to get out and graduate as soon as I can, but another part feels sad about how close I was to a lot more people last year and how things are so different this year. A lot of my other senior friends at school are off doing their own thing and some have already graduated. My best friend will be moving to Ohio in the summer to start her new job, and I have no idea how often I will get to see her. The anxiety I have been feeling inside seems to be on some sort of overload, so in order to make myself feel better, I try to make myself appear as put together as possible. Despite that, my illusion is starting to shatter. I find myself breaking down at the simplest of things and stressing myself out, along with the people closest to me trying to help. 

To top things off, I am sick with a sinus infection. This usually happens pretty badly once a year, around this time. I just hate being sick because I am out of commission; no school, and no working out. I feel like I can't do anything, and it makes me feel anxious. However, being home today, I have had a little more time to think about things. 

Why am I spending so much time at war with myself? Why? What is it accomplishing? 

What is trying to be perfect accomplishing? 

Not much of anything. Today, I have fully surrendered to the fact that I am sick. That half-marathon training will have to go on hold for a bit. I have surrendered to the fact that I may be feeling a little lost and anxious, but that is okay. I am not a failure for feeling how I do. No one is a failure for feeling sad, sick, or lost. 

College is a crazy time. We are making friends and losing them, navigating the ups and downs of dating life, getting our hearts broken, and figuring out who we are in the world. 

I have decided that instead of constantly putting myself down and hating on myself, I am going to practice self-compassion. This won't be easy, but I am already feel better. Along with self-compassion comes doing things that make yourself feel good and happy. Whether it is a certain snack, workout class, our outfit. Today, I took some cute shirts out of my closet and put them on my window box in preparation for taking them back to school. For the next few weeks, I am going to trade my sweatshirt and yoga pant combo (though nothing is wrong with wearing them!) in for my nice shirts and jeans.

It is time to start loving myself and feeling like myself again. 

Avocado Breakfast Toast

Hey everyone! So obviously it's January, which is the start fresh and get healthy month for most people. I always love new year's because it is time for a completely new beginning, and I love new beginnings and new chances to get things right. I think January is one of my favorite months because of those reasons. However, I do feel like people put way too much pressure on themselves once the new year hits, especially to eat healthy. It is hard to eat healthy in college all the time (especially in a dining hall or sorority house) and that is okay! I remember my old nutritionist told me to follow the 80/20 rule- if you eat good healthy 80% of the time, 20% of the time you can eat whatever you want! I love eating healthy foods but I also love chocolate, mac and cheese, eating out, and cookie dough. It truly is all about balance, so here is a super easy healthy breakfast you can try no matter where you live (sorority house, tiny apartment, dorm). You just need a toaster!

Spinach, Kale, and Avocado Whole Grain Toast 

I made this for breakfast today after a date night with my boyfriend that consisted of two different hot chocolate drinks and a huge slice of chocolate cake. Talk about the 80/20 rule..see, it's all about balance!

 What you'll need: 
1/2 avocado
2 slices of whole grain toast
1 banana (chopped and on a separate plate to enjoy)
Organic Girl Super Greens Mix
Trader Joe's Seasoned Kale Chips (crumbled up for taste) 

Put the two slices of whole grain toast in the toaster, and when they are done, cut an avocado in half and use one half to spread on the toast. Decorate your toast with kale chips crumbled on top (or salt, pepper, whatever you want!) along with two pieces of kale on top and spinach around the plate. It is an easy way to get greens in your diet and also helps you feel full for the rest of the day! 

Try it with some kale and cucumber water!

This breakfast (or even lunch!) is a great way to get your greens in and help you feel full and focused to conquer your day- whether it is a job interview, classes, or just a day of relaxing! Enjoy and let me know what you think :)

Grace <3