GAIQ Exam- My Experience

I'll just come out and say it: I do this to myself. I hate anticipating taking a big test. Studying is fine...but the length it takes to learn all of the information makes me anxious because I have NO PATIENCE, people! But despite this, I still sign up to take these tests and certifications anyway because I WANT THEM! Ugh. The perfectionist in me needs to be put under a little more control...

Anyways, I have signed up to take the Principles of Public Relations certificate exam, and I have been (attempting) at studying during every moment of free time I have. At work, we need to be knowledgable of Google Analytics because of the data and information it collects about our social media platforms and users. So... despite already being in the midst of studying for one huge exam, my coworker and I decide to dedicate ourselves to another. Behold, the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) exam.

The GAIQ exam is composed of 70 questions- all multiple choice with some true/false mixed in. The exam used to be $50.00, but now it is free. Thank you, Google Gods! Here is some more information about the exam, screenshotted from Google:

Creating a Google Partners profile is very easy and is free. When you get to the main screen, click on the "Join Google Partners" tab and then click on the green "Join Now" button. From there, you will accept terms and conditions and have access to your main page. When you click on "certifications" you can click on "analytics" and then it shows an option to take the GAIQ test on the right hand side. I highly recommend running through the Google Analytics Academy Google Analytics Academy offers free courses that highlight information that will be on the exam in the form of videos, along with practice assessments and quizzes. 

Whenever I am gearing up to take a test or certification, I often go online to see if anyone else has taken the same exam that I will be taking and shares their experience. Almost like an exam review- with thoughts, opinions, and how the user thought the test questions were. Sadly, there is nothing available for my Principles of Public Relations certificate exam, so I plan on creating a similar post after I take the exam for all PRSSA members who want an idea of what the test is like and my experience!

As for the GAIQ exam itself, I won't sugarcoat it: These questions were HARD. The good thing is, there is so much out there online to help you with this test. There are multiple websites with an abundance of practice quizzes and materials. If you spend a couple times a week highlighting different sections, watching videos, and going through different practice quizzes, you should be fine. You know yourself best and how you study and take tests, so take the test when the time is right for you. A lot of the test questions had multiple answers that you could pick- like an "A, B, and C are correct" kind of thing. A lot of the questions had to do with tracking as well. Make sure you really pay attention to API and tracking for emails.

I know that some of you are probably reading this thinking "why should I take this exam?" here are some reasons why I took the exam:

-This exam is beneficial for someone in the social media marketing, public relations, or business field.
-Gives a leg up on Google Analytics knowledge which will be used in your workplace
-Looks great on resume!
-Makes life easier for YOU when figuring out Google Analytics and gathering data
-Really makes you stand out when job searching
-You get this:

When you finish the exam, you get a lovely certificate to print and your certification will be valid for 18 months. If you want to keep your certification, you (unfortunately or not) will have to retest but at least 18 months is a good amount of time to keep your certification.

You also get this awesome little title in your Google Partners profile:

If you have any other questions about the GAIQ exam, don't hesitate to reach out or post a comment below!

Good luck!


Article Published on The Legal Equestrian

 I have recently been asked to be a guest writer for The Legal Equestrian blog, and I am so excited! I am pumped to be able to write about horses and riding, my absolute two favorite things combined! I found out about The Legal Equestrian by combing through the internet, and I loved the large amount of content on the blog. It truly has something for every rider and horse lover and I am so excited to contribute and document my journey on riding and showing in this new chapter of my life. I have published an article on the blog before being chosen as a guest writer, and the link to that is below, if you would like to take a look! I highly encourage you all to check out The Legal Equestrian if you are a horse lover. If you would like to contribute, they have a submissions page! <3 Good luck!

Here is the link to my article:

Check out the blog periodically to find my articles, and I will post the links here as well!

Have a great day, everyone! :)

I have a question... Why do we all suck at dating advice?

"I think it's time to move on."

This was a sentence frequently exchanged between my best friend and I whenever we vented (read: cried, griped, screamed) about the guys who broke our hearts. We were both still clearly hurting YEARS after the initial heartbreaks, but whenever we would go to each other upset about the Mr. Heartbreaker in question, we would BOTH become annoyed at each other for still being upset, and utter the magic sentence shared above. It did absolutely nothing to make us both feel better. However, it did succeed in, excuse my language- making us both feel like shit.

What about this sentence?

"I don't really think it is healthy that this keeps happening..."

UGH. How many times have we gone to a friend, feeling upset and lost after a fight with a significant other, and gotten THIS for a response?! What is saying something along the lines of "oh, you got in a fight with your boyfriend? That's not healthy!" going to do to make any friend feel better about their fight? Answer... nothing. And to the friends that I have said this to... I LOVE YOU AND I'M SORRY.

Let's be real for a second. As much as those glossy & shiny social media photos may lead you to believe otherwise- couples fight. They bicker, they argue, they pout, but then they get over it and life moves on. As difficult as it can be sometimes, fighting is such a natural part of a relationship. And at the end of the day, we know nothing about our friend's relationship compared to what they know. Who are WE, complete outsiders essentially, to tell them what is healthy and what is not (except for abuse/cheating)? But for your average couple that has an otherwise normal young relationship, getting into a few fights is completely okay. If your friend is coming to you to vent about a fight, ask them if they are alright. All of us (myself included) are so quick to rush to the "what happened?!" and get all of the juicy details. I think that asking our friend if they are okay is the most important first question. Let your friend vent, and then ask how he/she feels. How are you feeling right now? or what are your thoughts right now? Another great question to ask is the actual can I give you advice? It is so common (myself included x1000) to just go ahead and give our best friends unsolicited advice. We think that it is our place to since we are so close, but in some instances (read: relationship problems) where people are especially sensitive, it is important to ask first before we give our opinion.

How about this sentence:

"Break up with him/her."

Oh, man... to those of us in relationships, if we had every dollar for a time we got this sentence after going to someone for advice after a fight, we would be rich. 

Why is it a default to tell our friends to immediately break up with a significant other at the sight of a problem or disagreement? I guess we could say it is because we are protective. I think about it in terms of one of my close friends. We have gone through so much relationship BS in the past that when a current boyfriend begins to act up, I get all "grrrrr" protective mama bear. We love our friends and want the best for them, but sometimes, we have to put that protectiveness aside and let them get through these challenges with their significant other, because how else will they grow as a couple and get through it? Especially if they actually, you know, LOVE and care about he person they are with. Hearing "break up with him/her" will honestly do NOTHING for them except make them feel bad.

Okay, getting real again: None of us are "perfect" friends. Each one of us brings a different perspective to the table and we are all there for each other in different ways. Some friends may just be better to talk to about relationships with than others. That doesn't mean one party is the "better" friend and the other one is the "worse" friend.

I think of my close friend Amanda. Whenever I get in a fight or disagreement with my significant other, she doesn't give me advice or direction. Instead, she is genuinely sad for the both of us and offers an ear to listen in on how I am feeling about the argument or how I want to get through it. When things are good between my significant other and I, she is genuinely happy that we are happy.

I think we all need to strive to be more like Amanda in that way. Instead of being quick to say something along the lines of "move on", "that isn't healthy/right/shouldn't be happening", or "break up with him/her", let's be there for our friends and feel for them when they are sad or going through something with their boyfriend or girlfriend. And no matter what decision they decide to make in regards to their relationship, whether it be a breakup then makeup, an anniversary, a trip, or a certain feeling after a big fight, let's be there in 100% support every step of the way.


OMG Alert- New Maybelline Baby Lips Glow Balm 2016

Everyone who knows me knows that I love the ever popular Baby Lips lip balm from Maybelline. I didn't even catch this on their Instagram page until just now, and O-M-G, am I excited! I recently just added to my collection by buying the remaining shades in the Baby Lips Balm Balls collection, and then bought Spice It Up and Sprinkled Pink from the 2015 holiday collection. It is safe to say that I own- or have owned at one point- every Baby Lips shade there is from the United States. So, with that being said, I have to get my hands on this new product.

I immediately went to add Maybelline on my Snapchat to get more of a scoop, but apparently missed their snaps detailing the product. Darn it... The description in the Instagram caption reads:

"NEW #babylips alert! Get the entire scoop on our most innovative lip balm, the super collectable new baby lips glow balm on our snapchat. dd #babylips alert! Get the entire scoop on our most innovative lip balm, the super collectable new baby lips glow balm on our snapchat."

Hmmm, I cannot wait to get my hands on this new balm. I went to go order it online through the Ulta website but with shipping, my order totaled to over ten dollars. I found it on and tried buying it since I have some leftover money from a graduation gift card on there, but the lip balm was sadly an add on item and I would have had to make a $25.00 purchase before adding it on. Sorry... but #aintnobodygottimeforthat. Sigh... If anyone gets this balm before I do, please let me know in the comments below how you like it! I am so excited there is a new shade and am ready to start collecting again and really hope it hits stores soon. 

An interesting note, Maybelline already has Glow Balm here in New Zeland. I wonder if it is the same stuff just in different packaging. 

Amazon reviews on the product can be found here.

Have a great evening, beauties, and happy hunting!
