Happy Birthday Anthony: 22 Things I Love About You!

                         Our relationship in a nutshell: Me being annoying and you tolerating it :D 

Happy Birthday, Anthony! In honor of your 22nd birthday, I made a list of 22 things I love about you:

1. That night you stayed with me all night when I had that bad migraine 

2. Helping me fix my printer 

3. Your smile and laugh when you are being goofy


5. Fert

6. You always going out of your way to take care of me

7. Your kisses

8. Your too-tall-for-me hugs

9. Your serious side

10. Your love of Dunkin

11. The time you lied to the car wash man (sorry for broadcasting it to the internet) 

12. Mustache you know what 

13. Your freckles

14. Playing with your hair

15. Your cuddles

16. Lazy days at the lake

17. Your driving skills

18. Your Snapchats

19. That you tolerate me/everything that we have gone through 

20. That you go see silly movies with me that you might not want to see

21. The you like The Bachelor now

22. The fact that you waited three months for me :)

                                         Our first ever picture together- December of 2014!!

I LOVE YOU ANTHONY! 22 will be an amazing year for you! Full of new beginnings, work, blessings, and fun times. Soak it up and enjoy every single minute of it. I am so happy to be by your side. Love you long time!!! Also, TBT to your birthday last year when I accidentally flushed your only pair of contacts down the sink and you had to wear glasses during your license picture.....

Love Grace

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